
Maker Fair this Sunday!

Join us this Sunday, March 23 for our annual Maker Fair, stop in between 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM at the Farmington Library, 6 Monteith Drive. 

Tots & Tunes & Tales - PJ Dance Party

Primary tabs

Age Group:

Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Registration for this event is no longer open.
Allowed Ages: 2 to 5

Program Description

Event Details

*NOTE: We are going to be moving our January 20th class to a virtual Zoom class.  (We'll be doing this for the first three Tots & Tunes & Tales classes we have this winter, and then we're planning on having the February 3rd class in person.)  We hope you still come as we all NEED to move and groove and have fun!!!  We'll still be reading a story and doing the fun dances with you, so even though class will be virtual, we'll still be talking to you and having a blast!!  

Ages 2 to 5 with caregiver. Registration Required – please note that each class will have its own individual registration; registering for one class does not register you for all of them. 

Today, come dressed in your coziest PJs for this special PJ dance party.  This high-energy music and movement class will have us dancing and laughing!  We’ll start with a story and then move to the music.  Class size will be limited and we will meet in the large Community Room.    

Adults and children over 2 are required to wear masks. Please attend with no more than one adult per child due to our limited capacity.