Upcoming Events
The Coffee House Portraits explore the inner life of strangers sitting in a coffeehouse, at a moment in time. The portraits are an expressive exploration of the faces and beings of these strangers.
Visit the Main Library on Sunday, March 23 from 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM for the next Maker Fair!
Enjoy demonstrations, hands-on crafting, and experiments happening throughout the library for all ages.
For caregivers of babies ages 0 to 12 months. Registration required; registering for one class registers you for the whole session.
Library News

Did you know The Farmington Libraries offers a variety of resources that allow you to borrow eBooks, audiobooks, movies and more?
Check out our Download and Stream page!

We're so excited for the star of our THIRD season of the Seed Library at the Barney Library.

The Spring 2025 children’s programs are now available to view in the Event Calendar.
Registration will begin on Saturday, February 22.