

What materials are available?

  • Farmington Library (6 Monteith Drive) materials only 
  • Materials which circulate for three week loan periods  

Not available: Adult new books, DVDs, CDs, video games, toys and kits. 

How do I submit my request?

Requests may be submitted in-person, by phone, e-mail or the requests form below and must be made at least twenty-four hours prior to pick-up time (Please allow extra time for weekend and holiday schedules). The requests may be for specific titles or for a general subject area in one or more formats. If the request is by phone, the library asks that the request be limited to five titles. The library staff will make every effort to fill your needs. In the event that the staff cannot fill the request, every attempt will be made to reach you by phone or e-mail before the specified pick-up time.  

Where do I pick up the material?

All materials will be picked up at the Circulation Desk at the Farmington Library, 6 Monteith Drive. The materials will be held for 48 hours after the specified pick-up time. If the materials are not picked up within that time, you will be notified by telephone, and the materials may be held for an additional twenty-four hours before being returned to the shelf.  


The three-week loan period will begin the day the items are pulled for you by the staff, not the day they are picked up. There will be a receipt in the bag indicating the date due. Teacher loans are available for Grab-n-Go. The request for a six-week teacher loan must be made at the time the request is first submitted to the library. The extension cannot be granted at the time of pick up.

Teacher Loans

Teachers may borrow select library materials for use in teaching situations for 6 weeks. The request for a teacher loan must be made prior to staff beginning the checkout process.

Materials which may not be borrowed for 6 weeks include:

  • Library of Things Items
  • DVDs
  • Museum passes
  • New materials
  • Items marked non-renewable
  • Personal use items

Teachers are here defined as any adult who works with children in a teaching capacity:

  • Public/private school K-12 teachers
  • Nursery school/Preschool teachers
  • Daycare providers
  • Homeschoolers


Grab-n-Go items may be renewed if no other customer is waiting for them. To renew materials, you must have your library card number and the titles or barcodes of the materials at the time you are renewing. Because there is no way to distinguish Grab-n-Go items from other items checked out on your card, renewing by Grab-n-Go designation is not an option. Six-week teacher loans may not be renewed. 


If you suspect that you might owe overdue materials or fines to the library, the library requests that you check your financial record online prior to making a Grab-n-Go request or ask a staff member to check your record. This will assure that a stopped card does not prevent the Grab-n-Go transaction. If your card is delinquent and staff is unable to check materials out to you, every effort will be made to contact you prior to your pick-up time to make arrangements to clear the card in order to facilitate the transaction. If you are unable to be reached and the card is stopped, the staff will assemble the requested materials but will not be able to check the materials out prior to your arrival.  

Grab-n-Go is made possible by a grant from the Farmington Community Chest.