
Maker Fair this Sunday!

Join us this Sunday, March 23 for our annual Maker Fair, stop in between 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM at the Farmington Library, 6 Monteith Drive. 

Puppies and Pie Day

Primary tabs

Program Type:


Age Group:

Adults, Teens
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Registration for this event is no longer open.
Allowed Ages: 12 to Adult

Program Description

Event Details

Celebrate pi day with adoptable dogs and pi(e) at the library! Enjoy pizza, pie, and puppies at heart to celebrate the best irrational number. Puppies are from Dog Star Rescue, a local Animal rescue. 


Puppies may nip, bite, scratch, or jump on participants. Animal behavior is unpredictable, please be sure to use your best judgment when participating in this event. 

Those with allergies related to dog fur, dander, or other related allergens, please use your best judgment when deciding whether to register for this program. 

If you have special needs to attend this program, please contact the library in advance.