Attend a VIRTUAL AUTHOR TALK WITH DR. MICHELE BORBA on Thursday, September 8 at 2:00 PM as she discusses her book, Thrivers: Surprising Reasons Why Some Kids Struggle and Others Shine.
AFTERNOONS AT BIJOU, Thursdays at 2:00 PM at the Main Library.
The ADULT WRITING GROUP at the Main Library meets twice a month. Join us Thursday, September 1 & 15 at 6:00 PM to meet other writers, review each others' writing and get prompts to spark your creativity.
The Barney Library offers DROP-IN JEWELRY MAKING one Monday at month at 9:30 AM, so stop in on September 12! We provide a variety of tools and supplies, and you bring the creativity. This is a self guided independent program (no assistance is available), just drop-in and have fun.
Enjoy our BOARD GAME CAFÉ! Stop in Wednesday September 7 & 21 at 6:00 PM (for ages 14 and up!) at the Main Library to play some old favorites or try out a new game!
Stop by the Barney Library on the second Wednesday of the month at 2:30 PM for a MOVIES AT THE BARNEY. These movies are free and open to the public. Whenever available, movies are shown with Closed Captions.
Discover UNIONVILLE'S HISTORY OF SURPRISES, Tuesday, September 27 at 6:30 PM at the Main Library.
NOVEL IDEAS BOOK CLUB meets at the Barney Library on the last Tuesday of the month at 1:15 PM, this month they will be discussing "The Dry" by Jane Harper, no registration required to join this book club.
Register for the next GARMANY MUSIC SERIES and join us on the Barney Library Lawn, Thursday, September 29 at 6:30 PM to enjoy Sofia Talvik Paws of the Bear Tour.
Explore the full September Events Calendar here.