1. Go to Museum Passes and search by either museum or by date.
2. When selecting a MUSEUM, you will be prompted to select a date for your reservation. When selecting a DATE you will then be able to select museums that are marked as available for that date.
3. You can then enter your library card number and your pin. Not sure what your pin is? Call Lending Services and have them add or update the pin for your library account, this is also used when you place holds online. You will then be taken to a screen asking to confirm your contact information. Important: You will only receive automated confirmation and reminders through email- the phone # is just for library staff in case of an issue.
4. You will then see on final confirmation screen showing the information you've entered, museum pass selected, the dates the pass are valid for, and the method (print at home or pickup). You will be given the option to place the reservation or start over.
5. After placing your reservation you'll see one final screen will show that your reservation has been confirmed. You can then print the reservation confirmation- or in the case of the at home pass they can print the pass out.
PDF of Directions with Screenshots