Library of Things Through LendingKey

Looking to borrow something from our Library of Things? Explore our new reservation system LendingKey. Children's Library of Things are listed separately and can be placed as a tradition item hold.

1- Go to our Library of Things and select to search by item, category, or date.

2- When searching by ITEM, you can see the things available from the library. Once you choose an ITEM, you can select the date you wish to checkout. When searching by CATEGORY, you can look at available things under that category, once chosen you can select the date you wish to checkout. When searching by DATE you can see which items are available for check out on that date.

3- Once your ITEM and reservation DATE are selected you'll be prompted to input your library card number & pin. Not sure what your pin is? Call Lending Services and have them add or update the pin for your library account, this is also used when you place holds online. You will then be taken to a screen asking to confirm your contact information. Important: You will only receive automated confirmation and reminders through email- the phone # is just for library staff in case of an issue.

4- You will then see on final confirmation screen showing the information you've entered, ITEM selected, the duration of the checkout period, and the pick up location (Farmington Library, 6 Monteith Drive). 

5- The final screen will show that your reservation has been confirmed, and  you'll be given the option to print the reservation confirmation.

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